Call for Assorted Items

The VCE Theatre Studies are very excited to be mid-way through putting together their first combined Unit 1-4 production, ‘The Odd Couples'. This unique theatrical experience invites the audience to tour the school and witness ‘exhibits’: tucked away indoors and outdoors – each one a scene from important 20th century plays – each involving couples from different times and places.


As such we are looking to the community to support our search for assorted items. We would be grateful if families were able look in their garages, storerooms, attics and backrooms for any of the following – to either lend or donate:

  • Clothing – coats, pants, dresses, shirts, skirts, shoes, accessories, pyjamas, nightshirts, dressing gowns … pretty much anything. We are especially interested in items that are from (or look like they are from) the 20th century, be it the 1940s, 50s, 60,70s or 80s. 
  • Lamps – any sort – standing lamps, desk lamps, bedside lamps, wall lamps, lampshades … preferably with a twentieth century vibe.
  • Chairs – dining, study, wooden, metal, cushioned, armchairs, … ones ready to be discarded or passed on.
  • Small tables – bedside, sideboard, fold up, smaller desks, made for one or two people … ones ready to be discarded or passed on.
  • We are specifically after:
    • one rocking chair/or old reclining swivel chair …  for an old sea captain – we will look after it.
    • One chaise lounge … for a gypsy wife – we will look after it.
  • Fabrics – old bed sheets (flat, non-fitted), tablecloths, curtains, blankets, rugs, rolls/bolts, … stuff you don’t need back.
  • Blinds / venetians.

Thank you in anticipation. This is all to enable my designers to create a vivid set and costume designs on a modest budget. 


There will be another call out for some specific props. Stay tuned.


Please email if you have any questions or call reception and ask to be put through.


Sam Mackie 
