Epsom Primary School Gazette

Strive For Excellence, Take Pride, Act Responsibly, Respect Our Community

May Newsletter copy · 11 May 2023

In this issue

School News Policies
What's On? Scholastic Book Fair, CLUBS, ALTERNATIVE LUNCH PROGRAM, ALP is a safe space for students who might find being out in the yard overwhelming at times and a place to engage in play with other students to develop skills and positive relationships with others, with an aim to transition these social skills back into the yard. , FIT FOR LIFE 8-8:30am Morning schedule:, Monday - Mr Mann - School run , Wednesday- Mr Hartland - Circuit , Friday - Ms Pedretti - Skipping
Calendar Calendar
Student Council 2023 Student Council Update
Specialist Subjects Physical Education, Auslan, Music, Visual Arts:
Sustainability EPS Parent Sustainability Team, Visit from Sustainability Victoria, Our NEW Hats! , What's been happening in our garden and schoolyard recently? , Mother's Day Planting 
ESafety What is TikTok?, How do people use TikTok?, How can you report online abuse or block someone?, How can you protect your personal information?
School Life STAR OF THE TERM, UNO Competition Winners, School Life Photo Gallery
Important Information CSEF, Subway on Fridays, Updated Details, Lost Property, Uniform, Privacy, Medical Forms
Fundraising Epsom Primary School use the QKR! app for all of our fundraising items and special events.   , Fundraising Items, Mothers Day Stall , Thank you for your wonderful donations. We had some incredible gifts! A big thank you to our parent helpers. , Qkr!
Community Notice Board DJAARA Family Treaty Day, Bendigo Volleyball Association, Jobs Victoria Advocates Bendigo
Outside School Hours Care May Newsletter
Contact Us

Published by Epsom Primary School