What's On?

Find out about all the events going on at Epsom Primary School

Scholastic Book Fair

Thank you everyone for your support of the recent Book Fair. A total of $2355 was spent earning the library a total of $589 in rewards to use to purchase new items for the library


Monday:        Student Council

Tuesday:       Green Magpies

                         Spelling Bee


Wednesday: Coding


Thursday:     Board Games

                         Table Tennis

                         Icy-Pole stick building

Friday:           Dance

                         River Detectives



ALP is a safe space for students who might find being out in the yard overwhelming at times and a place to engage in play with other students to develop skills and positive relationships with others, with an aim to transition these social skills back into the yard. 

Monday - Friday @ lunch time & recess




FIT FOR LIFE 8-8:30am Morning schedule:

Monday - Mr Mann - School run 

Wednesday- Mr Hartland - Circuit 

Friday - Ms Pedretti - Skipping