Student Council

News from our School Councillors

2023 Student Council Update


Our new Student Council have had a busy start to their time in office, with lots of new ideas and projects underway. We recently were involved in the ANZAC Day Appeal, which saw our councilors out selling items around the school for this fundraiser. We sold a record number of items and raised a huge amount of money for this great cause! We also had a number of our councilors attend the ANZAC Day Ceremony in Huntly, with our President Nash helping to lay the Epsom wreath.


Student Council has now been busy organising Do It For Dolly Day, which will take place on Monday the 15th of May. This is an important fundraiser for anti bullying and to raise awareness around the issue. Students can wear blue on this day, and we invite them to bring a gold coin donation for this fundraiser.

- Mr Cumming and Miss Jones