
Green Magpies and Green Gurruks

EPS Parent Sustainability Team

A reminder about Epsom's Green Gurruk Sustainability Team. Please reach out to any of the parents or staff on our team with ideas or offers of help. Keep an eye out of opportunities to support us in a 'hands on' way in the future!


Mrs Davey, Mrs Salm, Miss Chamings, Ms Fitz, Mr Illot, Luci Mayer, 

Michelle McKinnon and Anthea Wicks. 

Mrs Gill Davey
Mrs Anthea Wicks
Mrs Erin Salm
Mrs Michelle McKinnon
Miss Sarah Chamings
Ms Luci Mayer
Ms Kate FitzGerald
Mr Rob Illott
Mrs Gill Davey
Mrs Anthea Wicks
Mrs Erin Salm
Mrs Michelle McKinnon
Miss Sarah Chamings
Ms Luci Mayer
Ms Kate FitzGerald
Mr Rob Illott

Visit from Sustainability Victoria

We are very lucky to be hosting a team from Sustainability Victoria next week! 

The team will consist of 6 members: Debbie, Dominique, Romina, Robyn, Emily and Meg.

 Their visit is a part of our process to achieve our FIFTH and LAST STAR! ⭐ 

We are very excited - and proud - to share all the wonderful things we are doing here at Epsom. Our Eco Warriors and Green Magpie students will also be part of this visit. If you are around next Tuesday, be sure to say 'Hi!' and introduce yourself to our special visitors. 

Our NEW Hats! 

Following the fundraising from our stall at the Bendigo Sustainability Festival, the Green Maggies made a list of things they would like to spend the funds on. The eventual winning idea GREEN hats! We have a selection of Bunnings Hats for our Greenies, but with our numbers growing each year, we needed another hat supply.


So after much planning and decision making on which colour green, which logo, which company, how many and various other micro decisions for the Teacher Green Magpies...

.....drum roll please......

here are our NEW HATS!!!!



What's been happening in our garden and schoolyard recently? 

Butterfly Garden Planting
Hard at work!
The new signage
Strawberry plants replanted
The harvest from our vegie gardens!
Memorial Garden Succulents
Memorial Garden Succulents
Our 'shed' has had a little makeover too!
Butterfly Garden Planting
Hard at work!
The new signage
Strawberry plants replanted
The harvest from our vegie gardens!
Memorial Garden Succulents
Memorial Garden Succulents
Our 'shed' has had a little makeover too!

Mother's Day Planting 

We also helped out with some flowers that were donated to sell at the Mother's Day stall. We all chipped in to repot these gorgeous flowers and we think they'll be a big hit for all our Mums!