School News

Term 2, 2023

Principals Message, School Programs, Policies and Initiatives

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Happy Mother's Day to all of our wonderful mums on Sunday. It was wonderful to have so many mums and special peope at school this week to participate in pamper sessions and activities with their child. The Mother's Day stall has certainly been the place to be with hundreds of students sifting through gifts for 'the perfect one'. Thank you to our active parent group who organised the stall and to the community for such generous donations. We all know at the end of the day it is the thought behind each gift and the reminder that you are so loved.


Junior Athletics Day

The energy at the Junior Athletics Day was high with students running, jumping and throwing their way to personal victory. It was wonderful to have so many parents in attendance - this definitely added an extra level of enjoyment to the day. Thank you to everyone who supported this event.



As mentioned in previous newsletters, attendance has been a concern across the state since COVID. Epsom PS has been proactive in supporting families to help ensure that our students can be here every day wherever possible. Our staff (led by our very capable Assistant Principal, Kate) have been working with a regional team to ensure that we are able to put the support in place where necessary. This has resulted in Epsom PS now being ABOVE the state, regional and like schools with attendance rates. While we still have a way to go - it is important that we celebrate the wins along the way. Thank you to all families for supporting us to ensure that we can deliver daily learning to every student because every day counts.


We have decided to switch uniform suppliers so that parents have regular access to uniform in stock with reduced wait times. 


The new supplied is called Noone and is located at 21 Queen St, Bendigo - across from the Office Works car park. The stores trading hours are:    Monday - Friday 9.00am-5.00pm and Saturday 9.00am-12.00pm


Please note that we are aiming to be up and running with uniform at this location at the beginning of Term 3.


Road safety

With another accident occurring in the past few weeks, it is imperative that we continue to promote and discuss road safety with students.  We hear stories every week of students riding with helmets on their handle-bars, zipping in front of traffic, running across roads, drivers not looking, going too fast etc.


Thank you to the parents who are ensuring that their students use the far gate at the end of the driveway during drop off.


Camps and excursions

The grade 4 students had a fantastic time at the Campaspe Downs Adventure Camp last week. The flying fox, rock wall and building of a survival shelter were some of the favourite activities and it was great to see everyone try to have a go - even when nerves were getting the better of them. 


I would like to extend a big thank you to the teachers and parents who spent time away from their families to provide this opportunity.


The grade 3's had a great time today at the Kyabram Fauna Park. The park provided a unique opportunity for students to engage in a hands-on learning experience. They were able to visit a diverse range of animals, observe their behaviours, and learn about their habitats and adaptations. The excursion will enhance student's understanding of biological concepts and fosters a deeper connection with the natural world.


The grade 2 excursion to the Military Museum in Bendigo, the Talking Tram and exploration of Rosalind Park helped to develop student understanding of their local area.



A reminder that it is the grade 3-6 athletic sports tomorrow. 


We still have quite a few students who have not returned their consent form - this can be completed via Compass. 


The athletics is one of the highlights of the school year. Parents/carers, grandparents, family and friends are welcome to attend the event to cheer on all participants.


 Students, teachers and parents/carers are encouraged to dress in House colours:


Allen - Blue

Balak - Purple

Howard - Green

Potter - Yellow



The proceeds for the bookfair was just over $2355 which resulted in $589 in rewards. This money will go towards new books for the library. Thank you to everyone who supported this event.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd



Our website is where you can access our policies and documents. Please head to the Policies and Documents Tab on the website to access:

  • Child Safe Standards and Policies
  • Health Related Polices
  • Curriculum Framework and School Policies
  • Administration Policies
Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.