Western Heights Weekly News

Ā Tātou Tamariki - Ō Tātou Whenua - Ka Ora te Āpōpō

Our Children - Our Land - Our Future

Issue 10 · 29 Jun 2024

In this issue

Principal's Page Kia Ora - Greetings Friends  , This Is The Last Newsletter For Term Two. , Bike Helmets:
Learning Conferences 2024: School is closed for Learning Conferences on Thursday 4 July. 
Glee - Official Photos:
Basketball Tournament:
Drop Zone Reminder:
Book Battle Team:
Bush School News:
Congrats Blues and Caleb:
Dance Stage Compilation:
Learning About Learning:  The Four Original Languages - Part Two:
Isla's Music Article: 
Teachers' Page: Web Pages:, To Ponder:, Perfection is Impossible. , Techie Tips:, Article:, Sketchplanations, Mini Article, Humanity’s Ongoing Quest For The Perfect Calendar, Useful Videos:, Creating Digital Cash For Aotearoa
Calendar of Events: 
The AI Technology Page: A Better Way Of Thinking About Attention📱 , Use the CODE Method to Manage Your Digital Hoarding
Health News and Tips: Large Scientific Review Confirms the Benefits of Physical Touch:
The Green Page: Why We Are Eating a Sunscreen Ingredient in Our Frozen Pizza:
Life Hacks: Sahil Bloom’s Most Powerful Life Hacks - a series:, When you think something nice about someone, let them know., If you’re trying to have a conversation with someone you feel intimidated by, ask what they're currently working on that they're most excited about., When you meet someone, say their name back to them once in conversation.
Just A Thought: One of life's counterintuitive lessons is that you will often gain energy by spending a little bit of energy., We must always remember that possessions have no inherent value. , Writing is often the process by which you realize you do not understand what you are talking about.
Notices Term 3 Parenting Courses 😊, Western Heights and World Vision
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Published by Western Heights School