Inside Ivanhoe

Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, Respect 

Coming Up ...

Student Disco - Friday 26th July

Online Parent Teacher Conferences - Wednesday 31st July (Student free day)

School House Athletics - Wednesday 8th August (Collingwood track) 

Working Bee - 17th August

Book Week Dress Up Day!  - Friday  23rd August

Father's Day stall - Wednesday 28th August

Father's Day - Breakfast Thursday 29th August

Issue 22 · 25 Jul 2024

In this issue

From the Principal Welcome to Ivanhoe Primary School,, IPS Student Disco: Friday July 26th, Curriculum Day - Wednesday 31st July , OSHC All Day Program on Curriculum Day - Express Your Interest Now!, Pokemon Cards at School, SIBLING ENROLMENTS, School Photos, NAPLAN Student Learning Growth , ICAS DATES AND TIMES, BOOK WEEK 17th to the 23 August, Chess Tournament at Ivanhoe Primary School, School tours for prospective parents., Nationally Consistent Collection of Data, Term 3 Working Bee, Walkathon, World's Greatest Shave, MS Readathon, Winter illnesses, Finally....
Student Voice House Captain Award, JSC and Enviro Leaders, Year 6 Basketball Round Robin, Well done champions!
IPS SPORT  Upcoming events , Looking ahead 
Music Australian Music Board Certificates, Tubby the Tuba
Wominjeka to OSHC  We acknowledge the first peoples of the Kulin Nation, their Dreaming of the past, present and future. We pay our respect for their land by looking after the land we learn and play on.
PFA Parents & Friends IPS Student Disco: Friday July 26th, Next PFA Meeting, Please join us!
Sustainability From Little Things Big Things Grow... 
Dates for the fridge
Behaviour Support
Community News Salut Francophiles!
Camp Fundraising Ivanhoe Primary School Camp Fundraising
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
Child Safe - 2024 The child safe standards, There are 11 Child Safe Standards:
Stars of the Week Our Stars of the Week, Confidence, Independence, Respect, Persistence, Resilience, Stars of the Week & School Values

Published by Ivanhoe Primary School