
Tubby the Tuba - Each year our very own Liz Bonnetti leads the (HSO) Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra and puts on a concert for children. 

Australian Music Board Certificates

Last term, 5 students who learn violin at school successfully passed with credit, honours or high distinction, external violin exams through the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB). Each student prepared over a long period of time, learning a variety of pieces, as well as scales & exercises and preparing for tests in general knowledge, listening skills and sight reading. 


Students had to really persist through challenges to have everything prepared. In assembly on Monday, these 5 students were presented with their lovely certificates.



Congratulations on your effort and increased skills: Santiago (4F), Niamh (4K), Aashna (6H), Simon (5S) and Charlie (5L)! 


We have 5 more students taking external string exams this term and then 19 in Term 4. It is wonderful that IPS has such a strong community of learners who are willing to push themselves to achieve. The beaming faces of success are such a reward! 

Tubby the Tuba