Behaviour Support

Attached you will find our updated Behaviour Support document that has been refined to meet both current best practice and the needs of our individual setting.

At Ivanhoe Primary School we have four rules to which we all adhere:

  • Care for and respect ourselves and others.
  • Follow the teacher’s instructions immediately.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves.
  • Look after our property.

These are supported by our school values of Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience and Respect.  


These values sit alongside agreed classroom behaviour processes that are developed by your child, their peers, and their classroom teacher. This process is refined and referred to within our classrooms throughout the year.


The emphasis at IPS on behaviour support is based upon one’s responsibilities and accountability, restorative processes and a supporting framework that provides clarity and consistency to all stakeholders. Equally our processes are designed to highlight and acknowledge positive actions.


Attached you will find our updated Behaviour Support document that has been refined to meet both current best practice and the needs of our individual setting. Our staff will be working alongside students to embed this framework to best support the needs of all within our community. 


We make every effort to encourage and support your child to succeed to the very best of their abilities, our vision being: Ivanhoe Primary School encourages the development of the whole student. Our aim is to support learners in becoming curious, reflective and critical in their thinking as global citizens.


We continue to support all students and families to achieve responsible and safe choices in their behaviour and learning. We would appreciate you taking the time to read through the Behaviour Support document attached below, and discuss with your child how they best practice and demonstrate our school values.