From the Principal

Student Disco - Friday 26th July

Online Parent Teacher Conferences - Wednesday 31st July (Student free day)

School House Athletics - Wednesday 8th August (Collingwood track) 

Working Bee - 17th August

Book Week Dress Up Day!  - Friday  23rd August

Father's Day stall - Wednesday 28th August

Father's Day - Breakfast Thursday 29th August

Welcome to Ivanhoe Primary School,


Excitement is building for our first school disco of the year!  Nearly every student at Monday's assembly said they were going.  The talk around school is about outfits, songs, cutting some shapes and having fun!   


DJ's Boombox Blanas and Hardrock Hayns are in da house!


Please don't forget to book on Compass if you'd like your child to attend one of the disco slots on Friday night. It is a cashless event and an icy pole is provided in the cover charge.


We ask that students don't bring their own food as we do have students with food allergies. Please remind your children that mobile phones are not allowed at school and the organisers have parent contact details from Compass should you need to be contacted. The disco is strictly only for current students Ivanhoe Primary School students.


Parents, we are gifting you just over an hour to yourselves!  Enjoy it but please remember that at the end of each session (session 1 ends at  7pm or Session 2 ends at 8.30pm) students MUST BE COLLECTED BY A PARENT or a RESPONSIBLE ADULT.


IPS Student Disco: Friday July 26th


Get your sport themed disco outfit ready!


This year the PFA decided to make the disco a cashless event to assist with smooth operations on the night and to also remove the burden on parents to find cash/coins on the night! 


We set a fixed entry fee payable via Compass, rather than a gold coin donation at the door (plus cash for the canteen). The $7 entry fee covers the cost of icy poles, glow sticks and other related expenses. Any funds raised after costs will be used for future IPS improvements and we’ll keep you in the loop on this!


Date: Friday, 26th July


Session 1 - 5.45pm - 7pm: Foundation to Grade 3

Session 2 - 7.15-8.30pm: Grade 3 – Grade 6

*Grade 3 can choose either session (not both)

Enter via the school hall off Ailsa Grove.



Worried the kids might get Disco Fever? 


Every student gets an Icy pole/ice cream during the night to cool them down + water available all night.


A huge thank you to Mrs Blanas and Ms Hayns who are our rockin' DJs. 

The DJs have been organising the tunes and are ready to rock out.


Many thanks to Hayley and Katherine  – PFA Disco Co-ordinators

Many thanks, 


Hayley Williams – Disco Coordinator | 0457 052 173


Curriculum Day - Wednesday 31st July 

Parent / Teacher interviews (12pm to 7.30pm) will be held on Wednesday 31st July.


Bookings can now be made on COMPASS. Interviews will be held online. However, Face to Face interviews are welcome and can be requested through the teacher. 

(Face to Face interviews will require 48 hours notice).


OSHC All Day Program on Curriculum Day - Express Your Interest Now!

Due to the parent-teacher interviews, Wednesday 31st July will be a student-free day.   OSHC will run a program for the day if they have sufficient numbers.


 If you require care for your child(ren) on Wednesday 31st July, please contact the OSHC staff to express your interest before Friday 26th July. See the Wominjeka to OSHC page for more information.


OSHC Educators' Day Wednesday 31st July


What an exciting day to book into OSHC - Wednesday 31st July is OSHC Educators' Day!

Why not come along and help us celebrate the wonderful work our OSHC educators do?  If you're passing, dropping off or collecting children next week, why not simply let them know what a fantastic job they do?



Pokemon Cards at School

Pokemon cards have become very popular once again in the playground. 


Unsurprisingly there have been a lot of problems with trading and cards going missing which has been interrupting learning time and causing distress. 


Trading is not allowed under any circumstances and please remind your children to keep their very special cards at home. 


If trading does not stop there will be a school-wide ban for Pokemon cards.




Urgent! 2025 enrolments


We are currently attempting to finalise Foundation (Prep) enrolments for 2025.


If you are yet to enrol a sibling of a current student, it is vital that you contact the school office on 9499 1880 and let us know.  Accurate enrolment figures impact employment, staffing and resources.

Please contact the school office by 4pm Friday 26th of July to confirm your intentions.


You can download an enrolment form from our website or you can drop in to the office and collect the form in person.  


Kind regards from the Co Principals, 

Mark Kent & Pam WrightEnrolments for 2025


School Photos

School Photos are coming soon - finally!


We've been chasing and chasing Advanced Life and we've been told that we hope to have the photos delivered to us by the end of the week. The day they are delivered they will be sent home with your children. We will be sure to let you all know to look out for them.Advanced Life send their apologies for the delay we've had this year.


Thank you all for your understanding.

NAPLAN Student Learning Growth 

We love to share with you how well our students perform in many areas, such as Music, Sport, Public Speaking, Chess, Dance, Art and many other areas. 


In today's newsletter we proudly share with you, not just how smart our students are, but most importantly, how much learning growth they have made from year 3 to year 5. 


Here's a quick snapshot of how stimulating learning programs in Literacy and Numeracy achieve such terrific results.


NAPLAN Year 3 to Year 5 Growth in LITERACY

NAPLAN Year 3 to Year 5 Growth in NUMERACY

This shows the hard work and dedication of our students.  How they persist in their learning and are supported by expert teaching to be extended no matter their starting point.


Congratulations to students and teachers!



Message from MrTottenham about ICAS...


ICAS assessment dates and times are now confirmed. 


There are 4 assessments running during the 4 weeks of August. Should students be absent from school during one of their assessment times, there will be a make-up session each Friday in August, in my room (room 2) at 12:00.


Students will be required to bring their charged student laptop and a pencil or pen (working out paper and logins will be provided).


Monday, August 5th Digital Technologies

Years 3 & 4 - 10:00 - 11:30 (room 15)

Years 5 & 6 - 12:00 - 1:30 (beehive)


Wednesday, August 14th English

Years 3 & 4 - 9:10 - 10:15 (room 15)

Years 5 & 6 - 10:25 – 11:30 (beehive)


Monday , August 19th, Science

Years 3 & 4 - 12:00 – 1:30 (Room 15)

Years 5 & 6 - 10:30 – 11:30 (beehive)


Thursday, August 29th Mathematics

Years 3 & 4 -12:00 – 1:30 (Room 15)

Years 5 & 6 - 10:00 -11:30 (beehive)


*Should students miss any of their assessments and subsequent make up sessions, no refund will be provided by the school. You may contact ICAS directly to deal with such an occurrence.


Thanks in advance for your support of our students and the ICAS program and best wishes to all participating students.


Jeremy Tottenham


BOOK WEEK 17th to the 23 August



Our Book Week dress up parade will be happening on Friday the 23rd of August during Week 6 of this term. As a school, we will be celebrating Book Week throughout the week with a range of activities. More information on the Book Week page of this newsletter.


The theme this year is: ‘Reading is Magic’

Chess Tournament at Ivanhoe Primary School

Northern Star Chess has been running chess tournaments in Victoria for many years! This year Ivanhoe Primary School will be hosting a tournament in August. We welcome IPS students to join in!


Online registration is essential, Northern Star Chess offer this using Trybooking. Please use the link which has been setup especially for IPS parents.


Date: Thursday 22nd August

Time: 9:30am - 2:00pm

Cost: $25 per player (plus $0.50 per ticket)


Questions regarding the tournament should be directed to Northern Star Chess via the link. More information on NSC Zonal Tournaments

(IPS is hosting NOT organising)


School tours for prospective parents.

If you'd like to book a school tour, please call the office on 9499 1880 to organise your spot. Bookings are essential as places are limited.


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is an annual collection of information about the number of students across Australia receiving adjustments due to a disability. All Australian schools are required to participate in the NCCD.


The data collected is used by schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can best be supported at school.


Our school is now in the process of collecting this data.  The NCCD draws on teachers' professional judgement and practices throughout the year supporting students with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.


The NCCD model is based on mandatory obligations to students under the national Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE). Understanding the legal obligations to students with disability is essential for all staff.


Term 3 Working Bee

We have our Term 3 working bee fast approaching on -

Saturday 17th August 3-5pm. 


We have many jobs to be completed, including the planting of 200 plants that have been donated to us from the council (subject to delivery time). 


The BBQ will be on with sausages cooking, so look out for the jobs list on compass, and come down to lend a hand a grab a sausage.




World's Greatest Shave

I'm making a hairy sacrifice and joining the World's Greatest Shave! 

Big or small, every donation counts to help beat blood cancer and I would love your support. 


You can help me make a difference by donating to my fundraising page.  

Yes. I am going to shave my head. I am filled with trepidation. But I'm doing it. 

One of my children, Heidi, will be doing it too. Heidi looked at me with a hand on my arm and said "we'll do it for Pop" ❤️   


So... Let's raise a whole load of money to fight this nasty disease that has taken so much from so many!  The plan is for the shaving to take place around my late dad's birthday, 29th August. The countdown is on! 😅🪒  


Please donate to if you can! 


Thank you - Kirstie Fray 



MS Readathon

Danielle Podbury is a parent of two children at IPS - Luciano and Ariana.


They are raising funds for the MS Readathon.  See the link below if you'd like more information....



Winter illnesses

It is mid Winter and The single best way to reduce the risk of seasonal flu and its potentially complications is to get vaccinated each year, but preventive actions like avoiding people who are sick, covering your cough and washing your hands also can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like flu. 

  1. Avoid close contact.
    Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
  2. Stay home when you are sick.
    If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you’re sick. You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
    • Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
    • You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).*
  3. Cover your mouth and nose.
    Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Flu viruses are thought to spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. Wearing a mask is an additional prevention strategy that you can choose to do to further protect yourself and others. When worn by a person with an infection, masks reduce the spread of the virus to others. Masks can also protect wearers from breathing in infectious particles from people around them.
  4. Clean your hands.
    Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
    Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
  6. Practice good hygiene and other healthy habits.
    Cleaning frequently touched surfaces, such as countertops, handrails, and doorknobs regularly can help prevent the spread of some illnesses. Also, get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.


Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation. 


Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.  


The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024.  


A random sample of parents / caregivers / guardians (30% of families) will be selected to participate in this year’s survey. CASES21 is the mandatory system of record for all Victorian government schools to manage student and school administration processes and will generate the sample.  Information and a link to the survey will be sent to those families early next week. 


The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.  


The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Resources are also available in additional languages to assist parents / caregivers / guardians who speak a language other than English at home. Please reach out to your child’s teacher, or the school directly for survey guides in your language.  Survey results will be communicated to parents / caregivers / guardians through the annual reporting process and via school council. Last year we used the survey results to inform the development of the 2024 school annual implementation plan. 


Thank you and have a great week!



Pam Wright

Co Principal 


We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Victoria and pay respect to the ongoing living cultures of First Peoples.