St Raphael's School

Issue 17 · 27 Oct 2021

In this issue

Principal News Contact Tracing, COVID Risk Categories, Return to School Information, Drop Off/ Pick Up Arrangements from 03/11-05/11, Surnames A-K, Surnames L-Z, Learning Spaces, What to do if your child tests positive for Covid-19?, School Closure Day & Public Holiday, School Fees and Levies
RE News Hope... Let the Light Shine, Sacramental Dates:, Whole School Assembly - Friday 29th October , @ 2.30pm
Literacy STORYATHON, Building Successful & Animated Readers and Writers
Mathematics Helping Your Child - Everyday Maths Ideas, Open-ended Challenging tasks, Clocks
Student Wellbeing We are Back!!!!!!!!, What is the best thing about being back at school?, Information and Tips for Parents about the Return to School after Lockdown
Learning Diversity Social Stories about the return to school, Tips for returning to school 
Foundation News Returning On-site!, Writing, Maths , Inquiry, Important Dates, Week 5 & 6 Timetables, Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions, Staff Contacts
Year 1/2 News What a week we had last week being back at school!, Our hope..., Wellbeing Wednesday Creations, Important Dates, Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions, Week 5 & 6 Weekly Timetables, Staff Contacts
Year 3/4 News Return to On-Site Learning!, Maths, Baking with Ms H!, Week 5 & 6 Timetable and Learning Intentions, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Year 5/6 News  Welcome Back! , Writing, Maths, Important Dates, Learning Intentions, Timetables, Staff Contacts
FOUNDATION 2022 School Readiness Part Two, What other problems can occur when a child has difficulties with school readiness?, What can be done to improve school readiness skills?, What activities can help improve school readiness skills?, Do You Have a Question?, FAQ , SPICE (Supported Playgroup Igniting Children's Engagement)
Library News
Physical Education Foundation , Year 1/2, Years 3 - 6
Science Education Lets see what science students have been exploring over weeks 2 and 3., Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6, Science at home
Visual Arts Thanks to everyone who completed the sculpture survey., Let's see what the children have been making in Weeks 2 and 3
Student Birthdays Birthdays
Community News Coburg Little Athletics, Cranross  Tennis Club, Tennis Anyone??, Exciting News @ PARADE COLLEGE!
Uniform Shop
Dates to Remember Term 4/ 2021

Published by St Raphael's School