Visual Arts

Contact Details: Allanah Sarafian -

Thanks to everyone who completed the sculpture survey.

We we compile your responses and use them to design a new sculpture for the school grounds.

Let's see what the children have been making in Weeks 2 and 3


In week 2 the Foundation classes continued their exploration of patterns. Their task was to record 6 different patterns they found on the clothing worn by people at home. They then drew their family members and included the patterns on their clothing.


In week 3 the Foundations students looked at the different clothing worn by people. They then drew 3 people and labelled the clothing items they wear.

Year 1/2

In week 2 the Year 1/2s also completed an activity where they drew clothing worn by different people. They discussed what people wear and the information their clothing gives us - like their job, their age and when or where they lived. The students chose 3 characters from a list and drew and labelled what the character was wearing. 


In week 3 the Year 1/2 classes completed a pattern drawing activity. The students were introduced to patterns on clothing. These patterns can be printed onto fabric or woven into the fabric our clothes are made of. The students recorded different patterns worn on the clothing of their family members, then drew their family members wearing those patterns on their clothes

Year 3/4

In week 2, the 3/4 classes completed an activity about line and shape. Their task was to use an abstract shape as the starting point for a drawing. First they recorded different shapes and categorised them as geometric or organic.  They then cut or tore a shape from the center of a piece of paper and placed it over an interesting texture. They finished their work by drawing lines which added detail to their artwork. 


In week 3 the Year 3/4s completed a drawing activity about drawing a subject from different angles. Often when we draw, we tend to use a side-on perspective because it shows a fair amount of detail of the subject.  Drawing from angles other than the side can make our work look more interesting. The students chose an animal, then drew it from the front, back, above and side views. 

Year 5/6

In week 2, the year 5/6 classes completed a contour line drawing. A contour line drawing is where we draw only the outline of a subject using continuous lines to represent the edges (unless sketching where we use short, overlapping or flowing lines. The students set up a still-life scene of some fruit, then completed their contour line drawings. 


In week 3 the 5/6 students  also completed the activity to draw an animal from several perspectives.  Often when we draw, we tend to use a side-on perspective because it shows a fair amount of detail of the subject.  Drawing from angles other than the side can make our work look more interesting. The students chose an animal, then drew it from the front, back, above and side views.