Student Wellbeing

Annie McNaughton

We are Back!!!!!!!!

Although it has been a staggered return, it so wonderful to have our students back at school. 

This week will see all of the year levels attending school for part of the week. I'm sure that it has been met with a mixture of emotions but we will be making sure that the rest of Term 4 is full of fun, learning and laughter.


Here are some photos of the smiling, happy boys and girls at school so far this week. 

What is the best thing about being back at school?

Today, I asked FP, what the best thing about being back at school was. Here is what they said:

Allegra - I can see all of my friends.

Sienna - I can make my X in investigations.

Lincoln - I love playing with my friends.

Isla - I love playing on the big playground.

Nicholas - I like to play soccer outside.

Frankie - I am happy that we can learn.

Jenelle - I get to learn face to face.

Paul - I can see how our new playground is going.

Danny - I like to do fun activities.

James P - We get to do writing and afternoon pickup.

Jackson - I love to play outside.

Emmanuel - I love playing on the playground with my friends and my teacher.

Zander - I love recess and lunch. 





Information and Tips for Parents about the Return to School after Lockdown

Here are a few more links with information about the return to school after the lockdown.