
Hope... Let the Light Shine

Gods love shines in our hearts
Gods love shines in our hearts

O God, our Creator, 

You are our hope and light. 

We are your people, a people of hope. 

Bless us, O Lord, and send your Spirit upon us. 

It is through our love and caring, that you give us hope, and we bring light to each other. 

Help us, O Lord, to keep our hope centred on you and may we bring light to each other. 

May your love inspire us, and your light sustain us. 

May a future full of hope bring us closer to you. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 




Sacramental Dates:

Dear families of the First Eucharist Communicants


A reminder that the following dates for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist for 2021 are;


Yr 4- Sacrament of First Reconciliation, 2021 - Friday 19th November @ 10 am (during school hours)


Sacrament of First Eucharist, 2021 - Saturday 11th December @3pm.


More detail regarding the First Eucharist celebration will follow closer to the date.


Whole School Assembly - Friday 29th October 

@ 2.30pm

Zoom Link:   Meeting ID: 846 5367 5439