Year 5/6 News

Welcome Back!
It was wonderful to finally see the Year 5/6 students back on-site last Friday. The students were very excited to see their friends and thoroughly enjoyed our outdoor learning spaces.
The students quickly adapted to our increased hygiene and Covid practices, ensuring they correctly wore their masks when indoors, regularly washed and sanitised their hands and frequently wiped down surfaces.
A friendly reminder that it is important that all students bring along their hat, a drink bottle and their mask (some students also had a spare in their bag!).
Our focus for last Friday and for the coming weeks is on 'reconnection and New Beginnings.' Students explored this theme by engaging in rock paintings, art, outdoor games, and collaborative tasks.
Students have continued to revise Narratives in Writing. They have focused on the structure of a Narrative, prominent sentences and uplevelled vocabulary.
It has been pleasing to see students creativity flowing as they experiment with word choice, while creating a logical and sequenced solution to their problems. This narrative writing has been further complemented in our Guided Reading sessions where we have analysed texts and analysed the author's message.
Students have been busy exploring chance experiments and representing probabilities using fractions, decimals, and percentages. They have compared results of chance experiments and recognised probabilities range from 0 to 1.
To further support your child in their understanding of Chance, you may like to:
- provided open-ended chance tasks which encourage students to develop more than one possible solution (and justify their thinking). e.g. I chose some balls from a bag without looking. I noticed that there were three red and two blue. What might the colour of the balls in the bag be? How may balls might there be? What probability could you place on each colour?
- Use language which explains the likelihood of outcomes e.g. How likely is it that you will roll a 2 or 3 on a dice?
- Practice representing chance experiments using fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Predict the likely outcomes of experiments. Then compare these to observed frequencies (or actual results of an experiment).
Important Dates
Thursday 28th October - Year 5/6 Students return to on-site schooling.
Friday 29th October - Year 5/6 Students return on-site.
Whole-School Assembly (via Zoom)
Year 6 Graduation signing bears/balls forms due.
Monday 1st November - School Closure Day
Tuesday 2nd November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 3rd November - Students return full-time.
Learning Intentions
Staff Contacts
Emily Jamieson -
Maxwell Allan -
Matt Vernal -
Emma Sbizzirri -
*We kindly ask that all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt.
Shane Giese -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm