Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -


The start of Term 4 has been all about exploring different movements as well as maintaining some practice with catching and throwing. We have also been revising a number of movements we explored in Terms 1 and 2, as that familiarity for the students is important at the moment. Once we get back on-site in the next couple of weeks it will be a good opportunity to introduce some new movements and skills.



Year 1/2

The 1/2's have also been experimenting with different movements as well as some skills practice. They have also been working through a range of challenges which are designed to encourage personal improvement and engage the students in doing better each time they try something. Last week's challenge was a balancing activity where they had to have their leg out straight and hold that for as long as they could. Interestingly many students were around a similar mark with most reporting a time of around 20 - 30 seconds.



Years 3 - 6

In Years 3 - 6 the students have been completing different challenges as part of their weekly warm up. Last week the students took on a "Wall Sit" challenge which was a bit of a "thigh burner". This week, as a celebration of our final week of Online PE, the students have been asked to film themselves performing a trick shot of their choice. This could be an AFL kick into a bin or a basketball shot, or it might be a soccer goal between two trees. The winning shot will receive a prize next week when we are back on-site. The main part of our lessons have been fitness rotations based around strength and movement.