St Joseph's School Glen Innes Newsletter
Learning for Life
Term 1 Week 10 2023 · 30 Mar 2023
In this issue
Principal's Report
Reflections on Faith
Holy Week: , Sacrament of First Holy Communion:
A Look at Learning
The Zebra Who Ran Too Fast., Well done Kinder!
MaST Project
Library News
Happy Easter , Borrowing over the holidays, Harmony Day Stage 2 and 3, Kinder, Stage 1, What are Stage 3 reading?, What happens if I lose a library book?, Have a happy and safe Easter and enjoy some reading time.
Sports Update
Mini Vinnies
Presidents: , Secretary: , Photographer: , Events Coordinators: , Liaison Officers:
Little Joey's School Readiness
General Information
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASSEMBLY - CLASS AND SPORTS AWARDS, Uniforms, Easter Mass Times- St Patrick's Parish, Mother's Day Stall, Stage 1 Lost Property, Celtic Opening Ceremony, Stage Two, Happy Easter
Key Dates
Stage 3 visit to Tenterfield
Kinder Maths Activities
This Week in Pictures
Mrs Cregan visits Kinder, Stage 2 , Year 3 Position task. , League Stars Gala Day
Student Attendance
Parenting Ideas
Why create Rites of Passage?, What kids need., How to create healthy Rites of Passage, Summary
Community Events
Published by St Joseph's School