Beaumaris Secondary College Newsletter

Belong. Believe. Become

Issue 19 · 14 Dec 2023

In this issue

Principal's Report  VCE Results, Presentation Evening , 2024 Student Leaders, The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, Kokoda Trek, BE Program, Micro-credentials Week , Great Vic Bike Ride , French Exchange , VCE Information Night, Our Inclusions Program, Year 7 2024 Orientation Day, Holiday Spirit
College Captains' Report
Presentation Evening 2023 Awardees, Principal's Address, 2023 Sports Review, 2023 'A Year in Images'
School for Student Leadership
2023 Amplify Program
French Exchange
Kokoda Trek They Did It! What an Achievement!
Great Vic Bike Ride 
Micro-credentials Week 2023
Festive Spirit! Some Christmas Cheer from the Musos! , Whimsical Windows, Food For Families - Thank you!
Wellbeing Matters Talking sex: A conversation guide for parents, How to talk to children about violence and conflict in the world: a parent's guide, Community Mentors for Students
Year 7 Maths
Y9/10 Artisanship
Y9/CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Year 10 ART-iculate
Year 9 Beaumaris Sports Enhancement
Y11/12 Japanese
Unit 3 Geography
Unit 3 Physical Education
Student Success Xavier C (Year 9) & Hamish L (Year 10)
Careers & Pathways News  What should you do if your child's ATAR is higher or lower than expected? 
Parents' Association News Year Level Representatives, Feedback
High Abilities Opportunities for 2024 Year 8 (2024): HAWK, Year 8 – 9 (2024): Emerging Sciences Victoria
Second-hand Textbooks & Uniforms
Mobile Phone Ban
School Student Broadband Initiative 
In the Community Attention Mums of Pre-teens and Teenage Girls - Early Bird Offer on Now! , Empower-Her Workshop for Teens: Unplug, Create, Rejuvenate! , Workshop Highlights, Add your spots to the BikeSpot Map!
Key Dates 2024
College Information College Phone Number , Email Contacts, Office Hours, Session Times, Absences, Late Arrival/Early Departure, Lost Property, Canteen, BSC Website, BSC Facebook Page

Published by Beaumaris Secondary College