2023 Amplify Program

The Amplify Program aims to enhance student voice in the college and continue to develop the innate leadership that we believe lies in each and every student.  We help students to 'own' their learning and development, and create a positive climate for learning by empowering students to share their feedback on our curriculum. Please see below, the insights and reflections shared by the students who were actively engaged in the 2023 Amplify Program.


My experience as an Amplify leader allowed me to help the younger grades find a passion for school and develop a better understanding of mathematics. I found myself quite invested in improving these classes so people feel comfortable and happy at school. 

Thomas H


My experience as an Amplify leader in 2023 gave me a thorough understanding of what it's like to have student voice within the school. Having the ability to influence changes in the curriculum and the presentation of content for younger year levels, and showcasing this within meetings, was very helpful in terms of building on my leadership and communication skills.

Amy P


The Amplify Program was a great opportunity to engage with student voice and I enjoyed surveying the Year 7 classes and interpreting their survey data. I'm very excited to see where the Program goes in 2024 and hopefully it will become a seamless part of student voice and feedback at Beaumaris.

Ayesha G

Mr Chris Ardi
