Wellbeing Matters

Talking sex: A conversation guide for parents

How to talk to children about violence and conflict in the world: a parent's guide

The Forum of Australian Services to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (FASSTT) has launched Witness to War, a free and confidential multilingual telephone hotline for people in Australia affected by overseas conflicts. Staffed by mental health practitioners and bicultural support workers, Witness to War offers community members incidental counselling, information about available support, and connections to other local services. Witness to War staff can speak to callers in Arabic, Hebrew, Dari, Ukrainian and English and in other languages with an interpreter. 


The flyer can be downloaded in many community languages. 


For more information, go to: https://www.fasstt.org.au/witness-to-war/

Community Mentors for Students

We often get asked within the Wellbeing Team about community mentors for students and ‘A Path to Follow’ is a local organisation which has just that. Read more here.

Ms Dilek Yucel (Psychologist, Head of Wellbeing), Ms Rachel Felmingham (Mental Health Practitioner), Mr Elin Kim (Counsellor) and Bali (Therapy Dog)
