Kokoda Trek

They Did It! What an Achievement!

Our Kokoda Trekkers conquered the challenges and turned exhaustion into exhilaration as they crossed under the arches! A truly incredible and moving journey that fills us with immense pride. Please enjoy the speech below from Marcela delivered at last week's Presentation Evening.


Hi everyone, my name is Marcela. Last week, 20 year 11’s and 12’s including myself returned from hiking the Kokoda track in Papua New Guinea. This was a 2-week trip, and it involved us walking 96 kilometres in 9 days. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever signed up for and it tested me physically and mentally. I became in touch with my resilience and gratitude for all the opportunities I have been gifted living here in Beaumaris and going to this school. Being able to experience the track in the luxury I did, surrounded by my friends, 2 extraordinary teachers, Australian and local guides and the beautiful people of Papua New Guinea is something that will always be very dear to my heart. The track had its ups and downs, but I know for a fact, that every single one of us has brought a bit of the track back home. Whether it was the beautiful friendships we made, our newfound resilience and strength to push through pain, or whether it was the heartbreaking stories of the soldiers who once fought on the track. 


The difficulty of this track is not only dependant on physical requirements, but also the ability to empathise with those who lived before us. Our two Australian guides Kate and Darcy took every opportunity whilst we stopped at a clearing, or a village, to tell us stories about the brave sacrifices that were made 80 or so years ago. Every night 3 or 4 of us would read out a paragraph about a different soldier and what impacts they had on the battle. As a 17-year-old with not a lot of prior knowledge about the track, hearing about some of these young men who were either my age or not much older, was such a surreal experience. Knowing that I was walking on the footsteps of these boys, made me feel humbled and allowed me to put my life into perspective and become even more grateful for opportunities like this and my life back home.


The Kokoda track is something I will recommend everyone to attempt if they ever get given the chance to. I learnt so much about the history and about myself and made irreplaceable memories that will forever hold a place in my life. I would like to say thank you to my parents for letting me go on this trip, thank you to my friends both at home and on the track for supporting me through this, and for Mr Bartlett and Ms Kirk who were able to lift me up and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you.

Marcela L