Cecil Hills High School Newsletter

Respectful, Responsible, Successful

Issue 3 · 03 Jun 2024

In this issue

It takes a village... Partners in learning, Understanding Assessment and Reporting, Upcoming Parent-Teacher Nights, How to Schedule Your Appointment, Working Together for Your Child’s Success, Build update, Donation
A world of STEM STEM at UTS
A successful first half Capturing the spirit of our Year 12 cohort! , CAPA! A night of Musical Mastery with Year 11 and 12 Music Students  , Year 12 Photography Excursion to the City  , Year 12 Physics students extend themselves through quality assessments , Future In Focus - Our lucky Year 12 students!, Year 12 Biology Incursion , NSW Police Open Day ,  Year 9 and 10 CAPA Music Evening: A showcase of talent! , Year 12 Greater Western Sydney Careers Market  , Our wonderful Year 8 cohort 
Engaging our school Personifying reconciliation at Cecil, Building empathy through sport, "Together, we're unlimited." - Elphaba to Glinda (Wicked), Locked in for a writing marathon, Recognising and capturing the Cecil Spirit, Future-proofing our students, Rethinking Cecil , Strength in numbers, Rising to the level of our systems, Running craze hits Cecil
From the CAPA Faculty Year 12 goes above and beyond, Year 8 gets creative, Gearing up for Hairspray, Year 12 is now one step closer, Stage 5 shines brightly..., Stage 6 just as bright..., Year 10 channels inner Renaissance masters, Year 7 self-reflects, Orange Class get artsy
From The Careers Team Fly, Lucas, Fly: My time at the Royal Australia Air Force, Destinations Unlimited, Daniel Silmi Experiences UNSW, In Other News
From The Support Unit The Chicks and a Duck in the Support Unit, Flagstaff Work Experience 
From the Science Faculty Biology AMGEN Incursion 
What a throw!
A beautiful day...
Tell Them From Me - Student Survey
Year 9 Camp Notice
Uniform shop Opening Times

Published by Cecil Hills High School