St Raphael's School

Issue 16 · 27 Oct 2022

In this issue

Principal News Road Traffic, Playground Redevelopment, SAB Members, Community Group (CLC), 2023 School Fees and Levies
RE News St Raphael the Archangel Feast Day
Literacy Pragmatics
Mathematics MathXplosion, Maths Extension , Maths Olympiad , Maths Explorer 
Student Wellbeing The Wonder of Living - Sexuality Education, Understanding and Educating Boys
Foundation News Term 4 and hats, Investigations, Hope, Week 5 & 6 Timetables, Week 5 & 6 Learning Intentions, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Year 1/2 News Wellbeing Thursdays, Cameron Stelzer Author Visit, Week 5 Spelling Homework, Important Dates, Learning Intentions & Timetables, Contact Details
Year 3/4 News Religion, Writing, Author Visit from Cameron Stelzer, Italian, Learning Intentions &                 Timetable, Important Dates, Contact Details
Year 5/6 News  Welcome, PBL, Literacy,  Mathematics, RE /Wellbeing, Learning Intentions and Weekly Timetable , Important Dates, Contact Details
Library News 2022 Environment Awards for Children's Literature, All Saint's Day Books, New Books
SPICE-Supported Playgroup Igniting Children's Engagement Developing Literacy In Playgroup, Answers to Google Form Questions 
Science Education Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6
Physical Education Sports Day, From Greenland To Blueland, Aquatic Education , The 5/6 Girl's Basketball Team
Student Birthdays
Community News Academy of Mary Immaculate , Virtual Emergency Department ~ Northern Hospital, MERCY COLLEGE YEAR 4, KELLY SPORTS- DANCE , School Band and Instrument Lessons, Australian Girls Choir, Coburg Athletics
Uniform Shop
Dates to Remember TERM 4

Published by St Raphael's School