Year 1/2 News

Wellbeing Thursdays
The Year 1/2 students have throughly enjoyed participating in the wellbeing rotation activities as much as the teachers have enjoyed running them. Every Thursday, the students have been engaging in yoga, art therapy, music therapy, meditation and sensory play.
YOGA - The focus for the class is Spring and Hope. The students have learnt a variety of poses, joined in with some partner stretches, practised breathing exercises and engaged in the relaxation and reflection of the class. What amazing yogis you have all been!
ART THERAPY - "What I believe I am is who I will become".
Students have been learning about self love and positivity by coming up with their own affirmations.
MUSIC THERAPY - The students have been learning about how music is used for relaxation and stress management. Students also created their own instrument that replicates the calming sounds of the ocean.
SENSORY PLAY - Students participate in a mindful meditation focusing on personal 'worries.' They then create their own sensory bottles, with swirling glitter and colours, these bottles can help soothe worries and create a peaceful and calming atmosphere for children.
Cameron Stelzer Author Visit
The students were so excited when the Stroogle came to our school! Cameron Stelzer performed a read-aloud with one of his books 'The Stroogle and the Golden Dragon' while the students engaged in a 'look and find' as he was reading. He also discussed his inspiration when composing his stories and then the students did a guided drawing of the Stroogle.
Week 5 Spelling Homework
As Week 5 is the Melbourne Cup long weekend, there will be no spelling homework in Week 5. The students will be revising the 'Blue Spelling Rule' in class during this week. If you would like to consolidate your child's learning at home please watch the video below, practise reciting the rule and discuss some of the words that use the Blue Spelling Rule.
Important Dates
Friday 28/10 - Grandparents' Day 9am - 11am (Assembly & Activities in the learning spaces)
Monday 31/10 - Student Free Day (Report Writing)
Tuesday 1/11 - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Learning Intentions & Timetables
Contact Details
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Phoebe Tune
Georgia Cavin
Samantha Phillips
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.