SPICE-Supported Playgroup Igniting Children's Engagement

Developing Literacy In Playgroup
Last week, the children in Playgroup had a lot of fun with letters and words. The children experimented with different writing implements and practised scribing markings, pictures, words and even sentences on different surfaces.
If your child is showing signs of writing readiness or interest in writing letters or words using playful materials, you can encourage them to copy the words they’ve created with a variety of interesting writing materials – whiteboards, markers, special pens, crayon resist, rainbow writing, chalk, typing on the computer etc.
Learning the English language can be tricky, and it’s helpful for parents to understand the process of how early reading and writing happens. It will come naturally for some children, and may take a little longer for others, but it is truly magical when you see that penny drop and your child begins reading and writing independently.
Answers to Google Form Questions
What days are each particular uniform worn? Do the students wear PE uniform to school on PE days or get changed into it during the day?
When your child starts school in 2023. you will be given a timetable with your child's specialist classes. Children are expected to wear their summer/winter school uniform four days a week. When your child has PE, they will be expected to come to school dressed in their PE uniform which includes a sunhat.
If you have a question you would like to ask about starting school, we invite you to complete the questionnaire below.