Student Wellbeing

Annie McNaughton

The Wonder of Living - Sexuality Education

A reminder to our 5/6 families that we will be holding a Wonder of Living family (parent/child) information session on November 8th at 7pm. The session will be online. A link to the evening session will be sent to you closer to the time.


The family night will be followed by puberty sessions for Levels 5 and 6 - 2 x 90 min class sessions during school time

  • physical changes for boys and girls and why they happen; emotional ups and downs and how to handle them, finding support when you need it, respect for self and others.

The permission form is now live on Operoo to all students in Year 5/6. This will be an 'opt in/opt out' program and the students of families who do not want their child to participate will not be required to participate in the school lessons. 

Please complete the Operoo form at your earliest convenience. 

Please find the information about Open Doors and the program below. 


Wonder of Living  is a value-based, family-orientated program. It has been carefully researched and produced by Open Doors, an acknowledged leader in the development of quality, realistic educational programs on child and adolescent relationships and health and sexuality.  It brings the concepts to life, and provides accurate, sensitive explanations of the questions every child needs to ask.

It gives support to the rights and responsibilities of parents… respects the privacy of children and young adolescents… whilst carefully retaining the essence of ideal parental teaching that sexuality education is primarily about relationships and not body functioning.

Wonder of Living is a multi-purpose program. It bridges the gap between home and classroom. It can be used as parent education… parent/child presentations at school, church or community group gatherings… and in the classroom – to single sex, or mixed sex groups. Throughout the series, the focus is on family and home.


The program also covers the requirements outlined in the Victorian Curriculum:

  • Investigate resources to manage changes and transitions associated with puberty

Understanding and Educating Boys

After the Understanding and Educating Boys Parent Session last term, there was an overwhelming number of parents who indicated that they would like to have a longer session with Tarun Stevenson, the facilitator.

Tarun has given us a date for the workshop which is Saturday 12th November from 9am - 2pm.

Please click on the link below to purchase tickets.


If you would like to be part of the workshop, please sign up through the link above and please send an email to: 

Annie McNaughton

with you name and number of participants just so that we know how many are coming.