Year 5/6 News

Please enjoy reading about some of the learning experiences the 5/6 students have been enjoying and will be participating in over the next two weeks.
Of particular note is our Grandparent's Day this Friday. Please make sure you let your relevant family members know and encourage them to be a part of what should be a really special day for them and your children.
As part of our business unit, the students are getting closer to launching their products. Each group is at a slightly different stage but it is hoped that each business will have successfully sold their first item by Week 6.
In our coding and binary unit the students have been enjoying the opportunity to design different types of technology that can respond to input. The students are also beginning to investigate how to analyse and communicate data in different ways.
This term in Literacy we have been creating poems. Students have been studying various aspects of poetry and learning about literary features through historical poems such as The Man from Ironbark and Clancy of the Overflow. Students have explored Haiku poems, concrete poems, Limericks, and free verse. Mr Howard came in for a special lesson where he regaled us with stories of fame and travel and how he finds inspiration. That vim and vigour rubbed off on the students for creating music. Students created a beat via various instruments and wrote lyrics accompany the music, It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm, creativity, musical talent and poetry flare shine through as the students performed to the class.
We are currently coming out of our Chance unit in Maths and are about to begin the area of Patterns and Algebra. During Chance, students explored the language of probability as well as describing the possibility of an occurrence in terms of percentages, fractions and decimals. We encourage you to support your child in revising Chance by discussing and revisiting Practice Skills Tasks (PSTs) available on our Google Classroom page.
To further develop students number sense, we have investigated different games to revise key number knowledge. We encourage you to continue to inspire and engage your child by playing the games attached at home (they require very little materials!)
Number Paths (thanks to Michael Ymer and the Mathematics Association of Victoria).
Total Recall
Total Recall is a card game where we use the 4 operations to play and it really makes us think about the different strategies we can use to get the most cards possible.
- Place 6 cards face up on a table. The remainder of the deck kept together face down.
- Students take it in turn rolling a six or ten sided dice. Using the number that is displayed the student is challenged to use combinations of cards to equal the number.
- Cards used to make the answer are collected and kept by each student and then replaced from the deck. The game continues until all cards have been used.
- Encourage your child to articulate how they made the answer, as they try to gather more cards than you.
- Once all cards are gone students total all card numbers to see who wins.
RE /Wellbeing
In Religious Education, the students have been exploring the story of St Raphael. The students demonstrated an impressive range of prior knowledge in this area. It has been very insightful learning for students and teachers alike!
During Wellbeing, students have been exploring the idea of gratitude. Each student has contributed to a beautiful new display in the 5/6 area, which lists just some of the things we are grateful for.
Learning Intentions and Weekly Timetable
Please find attached our Learning Intentions for Week 5 and 6 and our timetable.
A friendly reminder that our Specialist day has changed to Wednesdays and students will be required to wear their sports uniform on this day.
Important Dates
Yarning Conference@Bundoora Park- Tuesday October 25
Grandparent's Day - Friday October 28
Region Basketball Victoria Play Off- Thursday November 3
School Closure Day - Monday October 31
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - Tuesday November 1st
Wonder Of Living Family Session - Tuesday November 8
Contact Details
5/6A Maxwell Allan
5/6D Anastasia Dullard
5/6SV Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal
Support Shane Giese
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.