St John Vianney's Newsletter

Walking with families in faith and knowledge

Issue 16 · 31 May 2023

In this issue

Dates to Remember  2023  I m p o r t a n t    D a t e s , MAY, JUNE, Camp Dates, School Closure Days, End of School Year
Principal Post Dear Families, , Classes Masses , Congratulations!, National Reconciliation Week, Seussical the Musical , Foundation 2024, School Closure Days:, End of Year  , Family/Teacher Interviews, Early finish - Tuesday 20th July, 2022 Annual Report to the School Community , Please be safe when dropping off and picking up your children!! 
Weekly Gospel Reflection
Education in Faith
Intergenerational Play Group John Hannah Aged Care Residence2023
Maths in 3/4N
Fun in 5/6F Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Foundation Buddies, Maps, Art, House Saints
eSmart Week
eSafety Webinars
Division Cross Country
STUDENT WELLBEING 1. Provide emotional support, 2. Emphasise effort and personal improvement over outcome, 3. Foster independence, 4. Communicate and share goals, 5. Behave how children want you to behave before, during, and after competitions.
Concert Preparation The concert preparations hype has officially kicked off… keep an eye on this space for important information relating to your child/ren.
Connor's Run Click HERE for more info, The early bird pricing of $65 per adult or $45 per youth (18yo under) ends on June 9th (Connor’s birthday).
Birthdays We wish the following students a fantastic day on their birthday!!! May you feel very special... , Happy Birthday! We hope that you enjoy(ed) your special day!
Canteen The canteen will no longer be accepting cash sales.
Key enrolment dates  
Camp Australia
Kelly Sports
Community News

Published by St John Vianney's Catholic Primary School