Education in Faith

5/6 M Class Mass


Congratulations to the 5/6 M Class on their outstanding Class Mass dedicated to First Nations People, which set a wonderful tone for Reconciliation Week. The prayers and reflections shared during the Mass emphasized the significance of fostering reconciliation with our First Nations people.


As we look ahead, we are excited about the upcoming 3/4 TG Class Mass this Friday, focusing on the theme of Pentecost.  


Class Masses Roster


Term 2 

Friday 2nd June

Week 6, Term 2

3/4 TG

Friday 9th June

Week 7, Term 2

3/4 WH


Friday 23rd June

Week 9, Term 2

3/4 C

Term 3 

Friday 14th July

Week 1, Term 3

3/4 O

Friday 21st July

Week 2, Term 3

1/2 DS

Friday 28th July

Week 3, Term 3

1/2 LK

Friday 4th August

Week 4, Term 3 

1/2 SM 

Friday 25th August

Week 7, Term 3 

3/4 N

Friday 1st September

Week 8 Term 3

1/2 B

Friday 8th September 

Week 9 Term 3

1/2 L

Friday 15th September 

Week 10 Term 3 

0 L

Term 4

Friday 6th October 

Week 1 Term 4 

0 KC

Friday 27th October

Week 4 Term 4 


0 P

Friday 3 November 

Week 5  Term 4

5/6 H



Jonathan Rooney 

Religious Education Leader