Principal Post

Dear Families, 

On the eve of the beginning  of Winter,  we notice COVID cases are certainly back within the local and wider community.  We also notice some cases of the flu and other illnesses.  Please remember if your child/ren are feeling unwell or sick please keep them at home. We have RAT tests available to collect at the office for testing should you require.

Students, staff and parents are able to wear a mask if they wish.

Remind your children to sanitise and wash their hands.  The purifiers within the classroom and learning areas are on.

 Whilst COVID does effect staffing we will always be doing out best to ensure as much consistency for students. 


I take this opportunity to once again thank you for your ongoing support of our school. 


Classes Masses 

Thank you to 5-6 M who who prepared last Friday's Mass. 


This week we  invite all families to celebrate with  our hosts from 3-4TG. After the Mass 3-4TG parents are invited to a Morning Tea in the staffroom.  Please bring a plate but ensure all ingredients are clearly labelled. No Nuts (including nut oil)  or fresh cream. 


With the celebration of Pentecost last weekend, may it serve as a reminder to all of us to  live out our faith. As Spirit filled people may we  be welcoming and inclusive of all. 


Grade 1/2 L won our line competition this week; they displayed the ability to listen and move only when their teacher asked and moved from the  assembly line to their classroom quietly.

As a reward they have an extra class game together.


National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week began last Friday and continues this week. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. 

Some of our students created beautiful 'Acknowledgement of  Country' Posters with Mrs Perkins.

We recite the 'Acknowledgement  of Country' at each assembly and at important events.

There will be more information around Reconciliation Week activities in next week's edition of the newsletter.


Seussical the Musical 

Today our grade 4 students were lucky to be invited to watch the dress rehearsal of Seussical the Musical performed by the students of Nazareth College. It was such a fantastic experience and really worth going to see.

Foundation 2024

Thank you to our families for attending the  Enrolment Interviews for Foundation 2024.  

Families should have received their letter of offer  yesterday.

Again I take this opportunity to thank you for advocating for our school. 'Word of Mouth' is a vital part of promoting our school. Our tours were most successful and to this end I thank and congratulate our  School and Publicity Captains who assisted greatly on these tours and spoke very proudly of their school.

We will have three classes of Foundation students for 2024.




School Closure Days:

  • Monday 24th July
  • Monday 2nd October - 1st day of Term 4 
  • Friday 20th October 
  • Monday 6th November

End of Year  

  • Friday 15th December

Family/Teacher Interviews

Early finish - Tuesday 20th July

Family/Teacher Interviews will be held this term on Tuesday 20th June and Wednesday 21st June. Our online booking system will open on Monday 5th June for families to book a suitable time to meet with their child's classroom teacher.  

To facilitate these Parent/Teacher  interviews please note that students will finish at 1.10pm on TUESDAY 20th JUNE.


2022 Annual Report to the School Community 

Please note that the  2022 Annual Report to the Community has been uploaded to the School Website and to the Victorian Registration Qualification Authority. 



Please be safe when dropping off and picking up your children!!