Maths in 3/4N

In Mathematics over the last few weeks, we have been learning about “Location and Mapping”. We covered different concepts such as compass roses, grid coordinates, legends/keys and scale. 


The students challenged themselves to create their own map. They were able to create a zoo, theme park or a playground. The students had to include the concepts they learnt on their maps. The students loved creating their maps and they did a fantastic job!

Student quotes:


Chiara: I enjoyed learning how to interpret a map.
Isabelle: It was really fun to create our own map.
Nickolas K: I learnt how to read coordinates on a map.
Timmy: It was fun to create our own legend for our maps.
Thomas: It was exciting to design places to put on our map.
Elise: I liked how we had to include symbols and place on our grid maps.