Inside Ivanhoe

Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, Respect 

2025 Foundation Enrolments have opened 

Students Attitude to School Survey  (Years 4 to 6)

This year, the survey will be conducted between the 27th May and the14th June.


Issue 14 · 16 May 2024

In this issue

From the Principal Welcome to IPS, Open Morning in Education Week, Working Bee, Attitudes to School Survey for Students., Mother's Day Stall, Year 6 Arcade - Photo Booth , Finger Knitting Lunch Time Club, Finally
2024 Student Attitudes to School Survey Years 4 to 6 PARENT / CAREGIVER / GUARDIAN INFORMATION AND CONSENT LETTER, 2024 Student Attitudes to School Survey, About the survey, What are the benefits?, What are the risks?, What will my child be asked to do?, How is my child’s confidentiality protected?, How will results be reported?, Options for participation
IPS SPORT  Upcoming events 
Open Morning Strings
School Tours for 2025 Enrolments School Tours, Kinder Playdates
PFA Parents & Friends Coming up ..., Next PFA Meeting, Please join us!
Student Voice Foundation Autumn Morning, Impromptu Puppet Show , Year 3J Big Things, Year 4 The Marble Run Challenge, Year 6 Arcade Project, Community Sport, Competition Foundation to Year 2, Competition Year 3 to Year 6
Mobile Phone Use Out of School Mobile Phone Use Out of School
Smile Squad six month fluoride varnish visit
ICAS. What is ICAS? ICAS. What is ICAS?, How to participate in ICAS.
Camp Fundraising Ivanhoe Primary School Camp Fundraising
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
Dates for the fridge
Community News
Child Safe - 2024 The child safe standards, There are 11 Child Safe Standards:
Stars of the Week Stars of the Week & School Values
Wominjeka to OSHC  We acknowledge the first peoples of the Kulin Nation, their Dreaming of the past, present and future. We pay our respect for their land by looking after the land we learn and play on.

Published by Ivanhoe Primary School