Student Voice

Foundation Autumn Morning

Foundation students are exploring seasons this term. Today we explored leaves that had fallen off the trees and dried up. Students used their understanding of seasons and weather to describe what we might see in the environment during Autumn months.  

Students completed some leaf rubbing pictures and we predicted and tested to see which leaves could fall to the ground quicker.  

 Thank you to our families and community members for joining us! 

Impromptu Puppet Show 

There was an impromptu puppet show by the foundation students this morning! 

Year 3J Big Things

Linked to their term 2 Australia project, Year 3 students are using technology to research Australia ‘Big Things’ landmarks and learn out about their connections to the location they are in. Students have been given the task of designing and build their own ‘Big Thing’ landmark for the local community. 

Year 4 The Marble Run Challenge

Students  created a marble run constructed from only paper and tape. They  needed to design a track that has their marble not only make it to the end, but complete a task, such as bowling at a wicket.  Students  built and tested their track, making alternations to ensure their marble completed the challenge.  

Here are three videos of the Marble Runs. We will publish some more next week.

Year 6 Arcade Project

Community Sport

Read the IPS SPORT page for what's on.


Competition Foundation to Year 2

Competition Year 3 to Year 6