From the Principal

This week was Education Week

Working Bee This Saturday 3-5pm

Students Attitude to School Survey  (Years 4 to 6)

This year, the survey will be conducted between the 27th May and the14th June.

Welcome to IPS

This week Ivanhoe Primary School  celebrated Education Week by holding an Open Morning where student leaders took visitors on tours of the school visiting classrooms and learning spaces.  The morning's event concluded with a performance from IPS strings in the hall.


We couldn't be more delighted with the feedback from our visitors who appreciated the confidence and ability of the students to talk about 'their' school.


IPS has 550 students and over forty teachers and staff dedicated to making our school the very best school, and a fabulous place to learn.


Our school values of respect, independence, persistence, resilience and confidence are  embedded in everything we do at IPS, and that was evident in every classroom and remarked on by our visitors as they toured the school with our exceptional student leaders.


It’s easy to talk about our very successful academic programs and our focus on student wellbeing but we do a great deal more than that.  At Ivanhoe Primary School we strive to develop great humans. As a staff we pride ourselves in adding value to our students lives, providing a richness of experience, fostering strengths and growing lifelong skills. 

Beyond the academic assessments, we celebrate respectful, caring, and future focussed human beings.


The measure of a school is how it delivers each and every day for its  students to move forward, achieve and grow. While we may not always get it right,  we are determined as a school to be responsive, to continue to refine, and create programs that enhance the opportunities for every student.

Open Morning in Education Week

You can see some of the students work on the Student Voice page and hear a sample of the strings performance below. The Strings Program has been a part of IPS for over 25 years, and in 2024 involves more than 80 students.  Liz Bonetti, the musician, teacher and conductor that brought this wonderful program to IPS all those years ago introduced our performers and our new maestro, and coordinator Margaret Butcher. Here is a sample of the Open Morning performance.

Working Bee

Please come along to our working bee this Saturday (18th May) from 3:00 to 5:00pm.  There are lots of jobs we need to get done to keep our school in a fabulous condition for our students.


We can't do it without you!


Term 2 Working Bee Saturday 18th of May 3pm to 5pmPlease come along to our next Working Bee. Please click on the link to the online job sheet and you will be able to see what needs to be done and where you can sign up. It takes a village to keep our school clean, attractive and safe.

Please find the job list link below to add your name to a job.

Attitudes to School Survey for Students.

The AtoSS is a voluntary annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools and the department to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and will be asking your child about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.


Participation in this survey is voluntary. If you do not wish for your child to do the survey, please opt out via email to your school: before the survey commences on the 27th of May.


This year, the survey will be conducted at your school from 27th May until 14th June.

There are more details on the Student Attitudes to School Survey page of this newsletter.

Mother's Day Stall

Once again, thank you to our marvellous PFA.  We banked  $ 5082.95 as a result of the Mother’s Day. Expenses  totalled $ 3114.68.  The profit was $1968.27 which will go back into the PFA to run future events and to support student programs.

Year 6 Arcade - Photo Booth 

There is a great write-up of the Year 6 Arcades, along with the House Points Tally of the Student Voice page. Here are some staff getting into the fun.

Finger Knitting Lunch Time Club

Thank you to everyone who has dropped off wool for our lunchtime finger knitting club.  

We have also received a large donation from the the Country Women's Association.

Many thanks to Marsia and the CWA for their very generous donation.  

Our students intend to write a thank you letter to the CWA.


Following a meeting with Banyule council just prior to the last holidays, a number of improvements have now been actioned  or will be actioned soon to increase the safety of the crossing.

These include:

  • ‘School Ahead’ linemarking on the approach to the zig-zag linemarking
  • Yellow surface treatment/linemarking at crosswalk 
  • Painting traffic signal poles with ‘red and white’ pain

Thank you for your support.


Mark Kent



We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Victoria and pay respect to the ongoing living cultures of First Peoples.