This Week in Music

Hello IPS Community!


The students have been having a great time in Music classes these past few weeks.

Toys enjoying 3J's dance

All our String groups are powering along with the Start Up Strings (SUS) performing for the very first time this week on Open Day. Well done SUS & Orchestra. Thank you to Margaret, Liz, and our dedicated Strings staff for all their efforts.

High Hopes


Years 1 & 2 have been singing, dancing, and playing percussion instruments. Years 3 &4 have been learning rounds, partner songs, stage songs, and can now play more than three chords on ukuleles. I’ve enjoyed the jam sessions to songs like ‘Riptide’ and ‘You Belong with Me.’

3M dance


The BIG news is that our 5 & 6 rock bands are making excellent progress and will be ready in a few short weeks to battle it out.

Our competition program includes: -


· Ghostbusters!

· Payphone

· Beat It!

· High Hopes

· Eye of the Tiger

· Dance the Night


Ask your child which band they’re in, and what they are doing for Battle of the Bands.


Cameo Performances


We have many talented students in the school, and I have invited a few to perform on the day. These items are not part of the competition, however I’m sure they will add enormous entertainment value to the concert. It’s a very exciting time of the year.


Keep Thursday, June 20th, 9am - 11am, free to come along and watch. If you can’t make it along on the day, we will live stream via Webex.


Have a great week.


Marie Morrow & Matt O’Brien