The Collective

Term 2, Week 8 · 06 Jun 2024

In this issue

Acting Principal's Message College Counsellor, Construction Update, Foundation Giving Day
Giving Day - Thank you!  2024 Giving Day Targets Reached! 
Upcoming Events Futures Expo, Holiday Sports Camp, Swimming Camp, On the Green, Grandparents' Day - Save the Date, Sports Celebration Dinner - Save the Date
Week 8 Photo Gallery Experience Day (Year 7 2025), Year 8 Camp, Primary School Co-Curricular Awards Assembly (Semester 1), Reader's Cup Challenge
Captains' Corner  Arts Day 2024 - A Time to Shine!
Primary News Interhouse Cross Country Carnival (Prep and Year 1), Interhouse Athletics (Years 2 to 6), Reader's Cup Challenge, Lower LRC Lunch Fun, Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser, Lost Property, End of Term 2, Pre-Prep Parent/Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Teacher/Parent Conferences, Holiday Sports Camp, External Co-Curricular Activities - Term 3 Code Camp Club (Years 3 to 6), Save the Date, Upcoming Events
Secondary News Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp, Winter Uniform - Badges and Blazers, Counting down to the Futures Expo - next Monday!, Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser, End of Term 2, Upcoming Events
Boarding News Friends of Boarding Meeting, End of Term, What’s Happening this Weekend
The Arts News Private Instrumental and Vocal Tuition, Visual Art, Arts Day, Dance
Sports News Primary Sport, Secondary Sport, Interhouse Sporting Competitions, Holiday Sports Camp, 2024 Australian Swimming Trials, 2024 Sports Celebration Dinner
College Notices Uniform Shop Holiday Opening Hours, Counting down to the Futures Expo - next Monday!, Message from the Enrolments Team, Holiday Sports Camp, Winter Holidays Code Camp

Published by Clayfield College