Primary News

Mrs Audrey Fellowes - Deputy Principal/Head of Primary

Interhouse Cross Country Carnival (Prep and Year 1)

We look forward to parents and caregivers joining us tomorrow. Please refer to communication from the Sports Department dated 27 May which details: 


Date: Friday 7 June

Time: 11:00am (first race) to 12:00pm 

Location: College's Main Oval 

What to wear: Sports uniform (coloured accessories can be added at the event)

What to bring: 

  • Hat 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Waterbottle (labelled) 
  • Suitable sports shoes 

Interhouse Athletics (Years 2 to 6)

Parents and caregivers are also welcome to cheer on your house at our Athletics Carnival next week. We will be at Bowden Park, Geebung, with races starting at 9:15am and the last races concluding at 1:45pm. Please refer to communication from the Sports Department for further details. You are welcome to take your child home from the event, however, please ensure you sign them out with Mrs Sutherland before departing.

Reader's Cup Challenge

This year Clayfield College participated in the 'Brisbane North' Reader's Cup Challenge. The team of five students, read five books between them, thinking carefully about the details of each book. Out of 50 teams who participated in the competition, we placed 16th. The students scored well in each round, demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of each text. There were very few points separating the top 20. Quizmaster and author Peter Carnavas educated students on the 'art of writing' throughout the day. 


Congratulations to the team comprising: 

  • Alegria Heinemann
  • Sari Weyer
  • Ishani Ranjan
  • Sophie Morizet-Morales
  • Clare Burke

Lower LRC Lunch Fun

The lower LRC is a hive of fun and activity at lunch time. The Library Monitors read to the younger students; the Lego turns into all sorts of wonderful and fantastical creations; our Preppies engineer paper aeroplanes; the students enjoy quiet colouring in and drawing. But perhaps most importantly, students read books!

Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser

Supporting Drought Angels


On Thursday 13 June, Gibson House invites you to dress like a farmer to support the Drought Angels. 

As a convenience to our families, we would like you to donate to our charities collectively. We have therefore set up this payment link for you, giving you one less thing to remember to bring into school for Dress Up Days.


Please click on the link below and navigate to College Tours, Excursions and Activities, then House Fundraisers 2024. There is a $2 contribution per fundraiser ($12 in total).


Lost Property

 On Monday 10 June and Tuesday 11 June, a table will be setup outside the Primary Admin Office between 8:00am – 8:30am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm for unnamed lost property items to be claimed.  


Unclaimed items will be redistributed at the end of Term 2. 


Reminder: please clearly name (full name or name and surname initial is helpful) all items, so that lost items can be returned to their owner promptly. 

End of Term 2

A reminder that Friday 14 June is a Student Free Day. Therefore, the last day for students is Thursday 13 June. With students still engaged in learning, it is expected that all students attend school through to the end of term. Please email if you wish to advise of an earlier departure.

Pre-Prep Parent/Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Teacher/Parent Conferences

Week 1Pre-PrepPre-Prep Classroom

Tuesday 9 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm

Wednesday 10 July | 3:30pm to 5:30pm 

Thursday 11 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm


 Prep to Year 6 Core Classrooms

Tuesday 9 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm

Thursday 11 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm


Week 2Year 1WCore Classroom 

Tuesday 16 July to Thursday 18 July


Refer to communication sent on 27 May. 


Week 6Prep KCore Classroom 

Tuesday 13 August and Thursday 15 August 


Refer to communication sent on 27 May.



Parent Lounge Bookings open 7:00pm Friday 7 June and close 9:00pm Sunday 7 July. 

Holiday Sports Camp

Refer to Upcoming Events page for more information, including how to register.

External Co-Curricular Activities - Term 3 Code Camp Club (Years 3 to 6)

In Term 3, we will be offering a Code Camp Design Club for students in Years 3 to 6, after school on Mondays from 3:25pm – 4:40pm. Please follow the booking link for details on how to sign up and pay. 


Book before 14 June for a $15 discount, using the Early Bird Discount Code EBT3AS.

Save the Date

Upcoming Events

7 JunePrep and Year 1 Cross Country 
11 JunePrimary Interhouse Athletics
13 June

Gibson House Free Dress Fundraiser (Prep to Year 12)

End of Term 2

9 AugustGrandparents' Day - Save the Date