Oak News

High Expectations Respect Resilience Responsibility Teamwork

Newsletter, End of Term 2, June 28, 2024. copy · 28 Jun 2024

In this issue

Important Dates Dates to Remember
Principal's Report End of Term 2: Principal's Report Newsletter , PRINCIPAL’S REPORT
Assistant Principal's Report End Of Term 2: Assistant Principal's Report
Leading Teachers Report End of Term 2: Junior School Report, Middle School Report, Senior School Report
Year Level Leaders Report End of Term 2: Year 7 and 8 Leader Report , Year 9 and 10 Leader Report , Year 11 and 12 Leader Report
Student Voice      End of Term 2: Student Voice, College Captains , We have once again reached the end of term 2!, Connections and Welling:, Student Experience, Campaigns, Breakfast Club, Communications, Curriculum, Presidents, Year 10 Melbourne Zoo Trip
Teaching & Learning End of Term 2: Teaching and Learning , International Students News, Year 11 Psychology Term 2 Brain Studies, NAIDOC Week, The "Smashed" Project, Exciting Developments in Year 7 English Class: Students Delve into "Coraline" , Year 10 CAT Session , Debating Team , In the Footsteps of Digenis Akritas, Law Week 2024, Japanese Learning 
Sport News End of Term 2: Sports News, HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY EVENT , BOYS INTERMEDIATE NETBALL COMPETITION , Recognition Morning Tea
Wellbeing End of Term 2: Wellbeing Report
Careers News   End Term 2 Newsletter: Careers News, Year 12 Pathway interviews, Year 11 VM students, Year 10 Students, Year 9 Morrisby interviews, Future events
Community News End of Term 2: Community News, Home-stays for International Students Needed , Calling all Former SOC Students!, Brick-by-Brick Fundraiser, Follow us on Social Media, Sustainable Bookshop

Published by South Oakleigh College