Assistant Principal's Report

End Of Term 2: Assistant Principal's Report

2025 Years 10-12 Subject Selection 

Students studying in Years 9 and 10 will have the opportunity to select their subjects in preparation for planning the 2025 learning program. It is important that this process is completed early as student preferences impact on staff recruitment and timetable planning.


 Parents are encouraged to discuss their children’s subjects with them taking into account interest, aptitude and preferred post-secondary pathways. 


Both the Year Level Leader and Director of Students with our Careers practitioner are available should you wish any further information or advice.    


The Year 10 program in 2025 has been carefully designed to provide increased flexibility to meet the needs of our student community by providing a range of year long and semester-long electives; programs that foster curiosity and enhance agency whilst providing a high support, high challenge environment for all students to develop the skills and knowledge to support a successful transition in their VCE years.


Current Year 9 students are able to express interest in accelerating their VCE studies via application. 


Students will receive an email in their school email account to complete their subject preferences online by the end of the school holidays. This process is further supported through Course Counselling which occurs early in term 3. 


Our Careers and Pathways Leader, along with our senior school team are all here to support students and parents throughout the Senior Pathways years at South Oakleigh College.


Statement of Commitment to Child safety  

South Oakleigh College is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. 


South Oakleigh College has a zero tolerance for child abuse.  

We are committed to providing a child-safe environment where all young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about the decisions that affect their lives.  


Our child-safe policies, procedures, strategies and practices will be inclusive of the needs of all children, with cultural and particular awareness and sensitivity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with disabilities.


Every member of the South Oakleigh Community has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role they play, individually and collectively, to ensure that the wellbeing of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.  If you believe that a child is at immediate risk of abuse, phone 000 straight away. 


Student Absences  

If a student is unable to attend school, is going to be late or needs to leave early, the school must be informed of ALL absences: whether it be illness, appointments, holidays or any other reason.  


The easiest way to inform The School is to Login to Compass with your Parent Login and ADD A PARENT APPROVAL.  


Any unexplained absences will be followed up by Student Services if your child is absent without an explanation.  


Student Accident Insurance  

Parents and guardians are reminded that the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development does not provide personal accident insurance for students while at school or during any school related activity including camps and excursions.  


Parents and guardians are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. Student accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. These cover a range of medical expenses not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.  

It is also highly recommended that families have Ambulance Victoria Membership Cover if it is not included in your private health cover. Ambulance costs are very expensive and are not covered by Medicare.  



Families are reminded that full winter uniform is to be worn when travelling to and from the College. This includes ties and blazers. The College scarf can also be worn for extra warmth and can be purchased from our uniform supplier, PSW. 


PSW have informed us that they now have a full complement of uniform at their Cheltenham store available for purchase. 






Anthony Katsianos       

Assistant Principal







Mark Picone      

Assistant Principal