The Link - Hillsmeade Primary School

Growing & Learning Together

Issue 2 · 22 Feb 2024

In this issue

Principal's Message Our Values are for everyone!, Congratulations to all SRC and Student Leaders for 2024!, Compass Calendar, NAPLAN for Year 3 & 5, School Council, Reminders
Upcoming Events  Hillsmeade Primary School calendar:
NOTICE BOARD Next Assembly , Hillsmeade commemorative “brick” , BREAKFAST CLUB , You are invited to our Family Fun Night, Curriculum Days for 2024 , Information about our upcoming photo day, C.S.E.F., ACE Foundation Free Glasses Program
Publish to Media Consent Use or disclosure within the school community , Use or disclosure in publications/locations that are publicly accessible , Privacy, Ownership and Reproduction, Opt Out    
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Early Learning Centre Enrolments are open for free 3 and 4 year old sessional kindergarten. , Our Learning , News and Reminders, Celebration of learning
Prep Update News and reminders , Celebration of learning
Year 1 Update Upcoming Learning - Weeks 4 & 5
Year 2 Update Upcoming learning in Year 2 , Hillsmeade Heroes, News and reminders: 
Year 3 Update Upcoming learning:, News and reminders , Celebration of learning
Year 4 Update Upcoming learning:, News and reminders: , Celebration of learning:
Year 5 Update Upcoming Learning for week 4 & 5, Hillsmeade Heroes, Multiplication Masters, 100 second challenge (as of Friday 16th)
Year 6 Update Upcoming learning:, News and reminders: , Celebration of Learning:, 6A, 6C, Assembly & Star Student of the week 
Out of School Hours Care Check out what’s happening at  OSHC!, Our Learning, News and Reminders, Celebration of Learning
Digital Learning Nurturing Creativity: Digital Platforms for Young Artists at Hillsmeade
Sustainable snapshot
Student Mobile phones 
Privacy Policy
Canteen Menu Term 1 Canteen
Useful information Keep Up to Date, Arriving Late - Late Pass Essential, Student Collection, Attendance, Uniform, Canteen, Staff Carpark, Reports , Parent-Teacher Conferences, Email, Excursions, Incursions & Camps, Scholastic Book Club
First Aid Update Covid-19 Update
From Our Community

Published by Hillsmeade Primary School