Prep Update

Prep A-Ms Lloyd
Prep B-Ms Rhimes
Prep C-Ms Herres
Prep D-Ms Papa
Prep E-Ms Christofis
Prep A-Ms Lloyd
Prep B-Ms Rhimes
Prep C-Ms Herres
Prep D-Ms Papa
Prep E-Ms Christofis

Prep students have made a wonderful start to their school journey and we are very proud of them!

Upcoming learning:

During the next fortnight, Prep students will be undertaking learning in following areas:


Week 4 and 5: We will engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on the letter sounds of /s/ and /f/ following the Little Learners Love Literacy sequence.

We will be exploring the different parts of a book, learning and practicing what independent reading looks like and increasing our reading stamina.


Week 4 and 5: We will practice correct pencil grip and engage in fine motor activities. 

We will learn the correct letter formation of letters /s/ and /f/. We will also be learning how to to become illustrators. 


Week 4: We will be focusing on matching digits 0-10 to collections and counting forwards and backwards. 

Week 5:  We are focusing on length and comparing length, using language such as 'shorter than' and 'longer than.'



Week 4 and 5: Our focus is identity. What makes me unique? How do I fit into the Hillsmeade community? 

Who are my classmates and what makes us all unique?

Social and Emotional 

Week 4 and 5: Students will continue learning about the Zones of Regulation and how an understanding of our emotions can support us at school.

We will focus on problem solving, including the 'Say, Move and Tell' strategy.

News and reminders 

  • Prep students are officially at school full time, with no more Wednesdays off.
  • School photo day is Wednesday March 6 - ordering is open. There is information for ordering on Compass and on the NOTICE BOARD page in this newsletter.
  • Please ensure all students belongings including hats and jumpers are clearly labelled.
  • Please remember that your child needs a sun smart hat to be able to play outside. These can be purchased at the front office. 
  • Teddy bear picnic! To celebrate the beginning of a wonderful year, the Prep students will be inviting families to attend a teddy bear picnic on Thursday the 29th of February. An invitation has come home with your child and it is also posted on Compass. Please ask your child's teacher if you have any questions.

Celebration of learning

Fine motor and
name practice
in Prep D
Fine motor and
name practice
in Prep D
Maths rotations
in Prep D
Maths rotations
in Prep D
Prep C
Making numbers
Prep C
Making numbers
Name practice in Prep E
Representing numbers
Name practice in Prep E
Representing numbers