NGSC Newsletter

Issue 4 · 03 May 2024

In this issue

PRINCIPAL'S REPORT Welcome to Term 2, 2024 Key Dates, Annual Report 2023, School Review, Breakfast Club, School Uniform
ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS, International Student Program - Recruitment Tour, Be Bold Be Heard and Growing the program, Curriculum Day -16/5/2024, New outdoor spaces for students, Progress Reports → Semester Reports, ANZAC Day Assembly, School Photos
JUNIOR SCHOOL NEWS Term 2, Junior Sub School Camp, Uniform
MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS Morrisby Interviews, Uniform, Positive Term 1
SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS Practice GAT on Curriculum Day – Thursday 16 May., Progress Reports
OTHER SCHOOL NEWS 3D Design and Printing Club, Multicultural Committee News, Year 12 VCE Outdoor Environmental Studies - Week 1, *REMINDER*, Young Leaders Breakfast
CAREERS NEWS 2024 Careers and Pathways Teams, Year 9 Careers, Please find below a brief snapshot of the ways we support our students. , Some Great Information Regarding Applying for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship
STUDENT WELLBEING Student Wellbeing Services, Doctors in Secondary Schools,  Understanding adolescence – for families, The Geelong Project, Breakfast Club, Lunchtime Activities , Financial Support, Accessing Centrelink , Key Support Contacts , Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub (North Geelong) , NGSC Website, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, Financial Support - Uniting Barwon
COMMUNITY NEWS Nominations are now open for young people aged 12-25 who live, work, learn or play in Greater Geelong for the 2024 Geelong Youth Awards., Second Hand Uniforms and Textbooks, Local Support Services
VSL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Victorian School of Languages

Published by North Geelong Secondary College