Paul Dawson
Welcome to Term 2
I trust the Term 1 holidays provided everyone with a well-earned break. This is a very busy and long term. There are several excellent opportunities to engage in, including Deakin visits, Camps and future planning activities. Term 2 is also a time to knuckle down and complete Semester One assessment tasks and exams.
2024 Key Dates
16 May | Curriculum Day - student free day |
3 - 7 June | Years 7 - 10 Exams |
10 June | King's Birthday - Public Holiday |
11 - 14 June | Year 11 Exams |
14 June | Assessment and Report Writing Day |
15 June | Semester 2 commences |
28 June | Term 2 Finishes |
Annual Report 2023
Annual reporting is an essential tool for effective governance within schools and across the government school system. Reporting to the school community adds value in several ways:
Keeping the school community informed:
The annual report provides a means for the school council to inform the community of what has been achieved and how the school is performing. Providing information about schools helps the community hold schools, the system and the government accountable for improving student outcomes.
Contributing to system accountability and meeting legislative requirements:
The Education and Training Reform Act (2006) mandates public accountability for improving student outcomes and for the use of public money. School councils are required to prepare and publish an annual report.
Relationship between the planning and annual reporting processes:
The annual report development is an opportunity to reflect on the school’s achievements and use this as a basis for future planning.
The 2023 Annual Report was presented to the school community at the Annual General School Council Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 19 March at 5.30pm. The Annual Report will also be published on the school website following the AGM.
Please take time to read through and familiarise yourselves with the Annual Report. A copy of the annual report will be published on the school’s website
School Review
North Geelong Secondary College is currently conducting a review that began with a Validation Day on April 16th. The aim of this day was to evaluate the school's performance over the past four years against the goals and targets outlined in the school's self-assessment.
Last week, we conducted three days of fieldwork which involved extensive interviews with various staff and students. Additionally, a Parent Forum is scheduled to take place this week. The information collected during these sessions will be discussed by a panel of departmental representatives along with two Principals from schools in Geelong.
Next Monday is the final day of the review, during which the panel and the Principal Team meet to formulate goals and strategies for the next four years. Information from the report contributes to the development of these goals and strategies.
Breakfast Club
Reminder that Breakfast Club runs every morning before school. All students are welcome to join us for a toastie, muffin, yoghurt, fruit, drink, etc. It is a warm place to meet with friends before school.
School Uniform
As the colder weather sets in, students and families are reminded that the College has a winter uniform with a blazer/jacket. Support is available from Student Wellbeing to ensure all students are in the correct uniform.
All students at North Geelong SC are expected to take pride in their personal appearance. Jewellery, make-up, hair colour and style must be discreet as per the school expectations and policies. Earrings must consist only of sleepers or studs in the ears.
It is the school’s preferred position that students do not have facial piercing ie. any facial piercing other than the ears. However, for students who already have facial piercing they have the following options: (i) the facial piercings are removed during the school day, to and from school. (ii) the facial piercing is discreet and clear plastic and (iii) a band-aid is applied on the piercing during the school day, including to and from school.
Under no circumstances will metal facial piercings be accepted.
Therefore, new facial piercings cannot be obtained during the year due to the healing time which requires the piercing to be metal.