In this issue
Calendar Dates
March, April , Cover photo, Follow Preshil here
Welcome Family Picnic
Friday 12 March 2021 at 4pm, Front lawn of Blackhall, (Secondary School, 26 Sackville Street), BYO rug/folding chairs, picnic basket and drinks
From the Principal
What is a Preshil education?, Welcome Family Picnic
Head of Campus
MYP & DP Information Evening, ManageBac, 3-way Conferences
Office Oracle
IMPORTANT NOTICE for students being immunised on 29 March, School crossing in Sackville Street, Order your school photos , Next newsletter
Careers Hub 2021
Term One 2021, What's in this issue?, WHAT CAREER IS THAT?, What does a blogger do?, What does a Journalist do?, TOP TIP, SOME COURSE IDEAS, YEAR 12 REMINDERS, Important Entry to Medicine:, Reminder Entry to Teaching:, Early Applications:, Scholarships:, University of Melbourne Hanson Scholarship, Australian National University Tuckwell Scholarship, ComparED, Morrisby Assessment, WHERE DO I FIND THINGS?, Compass News and Notifications:, Excellent Resource Links:, Helpful tools, Careers Portal:, MAKING AN APPOINTMENT
Visual Arts
Valedictory: Class of 2020
Secondary Tours
Open Morning, Information Evening, Secondary School Tour