Office Oracle

IMPORTANT NOTICE for students being immunised on 29 March
Consistent with their COVID safe plan, the immunisation team requires students to present for immunisation in a loose fitting short sleeve top, allowing for quick and efficient access to the upper arm; to reduce physical contact between immunisation nurses and students.
Face masks must be worn.
School crossing in Sackville Street
School crossing supervisors have an important role to play in assisting children to cross busy roads when going to and from school.
Our supervisor - Lawrence – popped into the School this week to introduce himself and ask for our cooperation in the guidance and instruction of children using the crossing in the mornings and afternoons.
Lawrence controls the crossing from 8am – 8.45am and again from 3pm to 3.45pm. Sackville Street as we all know is very busy during these times and it is imperative that children and adolescents alike adhere to his instruction.
STOP IMMEDIATELY - one blast of his whistle
SAFE TO CROSS - two blasts of his whistle
Please help us encourage and reinforce correct safety procedures outside our school gate.
Order your school photos
2021 school photo packs are now available to order.
Simply log in to your Compass parent portal and follow the link under the Community tab (two little people icon on the blue toolbar).
If you require assistance please contact MSP Photography directly on
Next newsletter
The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on 17 March. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here.
Judy O'Donnell
Secondary School Reception