Welcome Family Picnic

Friday 12 March 2021 at 4pm
Front lawn of Blackhall
(Secondary School, 26 Sackville Street)
We warmly invite all families to the whole-school Welcome Family Picnic - a pleasant way to spend a Friday afternoon and great opportunity to meet other families
in your child's year level as well as staff
in a relaxed and informal way.
There will be designated areas for each class/year level
from Kinder to Year 12 so look out for your welcoming parent reps.
Because of COVID restrictions we are unable to provide a BBQ this year.
BYO rug/folding chairs, picnic basket and drinks
Be entertained by students and music staff alike,
kicking off with an awesome cross-campus ALL-IN PERFORMANCE,
and meet some of our instrumental staff whilst enjoying the festivities.
We look forward to seeing you.