The Girton eLink

The Girton eLink

Issue 8 · 07 Jun 2024

In this issue

From the Principal
Important Dates 2024 Term Dates, 2025 Term Dates, Important Dates, TERM 2, WEEK 9, WEEK 10
Senior School Production: The Little Mermaid Get your tickets now! , Scroll down for the latest behind-the-scenes videos
Code Camp
Junior School News From the Head of Junior School, 2024 Junior School Cross Country Carnival, New Equipment for the Sports Shed, Girton Wellbeing Dogs, Murphy and Nina, Celebrate Birthdays with Students!, Camp Australia 
From the Head of Senior School Post Exam Reflection    
Red Shield Appeal
Year Seven Students Bring Light to Darkness Through SolarBuddy Program
Girton Community Action Group: Calling for Food Donations
Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day
Social and Emotional Learning at Girton
Spreading Happiness and Support The Power of Care Boxes in Times of Need
Achieve Program News Year Nine Achieve Careers Expo
House Leaders’ Breakfast
LMR Cross Country
Sports Excellence News Taking Sport to New Heights
Registrar News Attention current parents and caregivers, Edstart
Congratulations to... Everist on her Time Trial Victory, Mac Hilson to Debut for South Melbourne, Willow Kelly - Tennis in Portugal
Girton Student Wellbeing ReachOut Australia, Insights: Issue 6, Championing Neurodiversity: Helping Your Child Thrive in a Neurotypical World , The Parents Website, Parental guidance: Cultivating key skills for success at school and beyond, with Andrew Fuller
Parent and Student Notices E-Scooters, Second-Hand Uniform Shop, GPF News
Community Notices
Canteen Menu Feel like a Junior School Special?  How about a delicious bowl of pasta? Or are you craving a Canteen Cookie?

Published by Girton Grammar School