Red Shield Appeal

One of our major Community Service events for the year is the Red Shield Appeal, and again this year a massive effort was made by not only our students but also our parents. 130 students collected much-needed donations in Castlemaine and 34 different locations around Bendigo. We also had 28 parents volunteer their time to transport the students back to headquarters to count their donations and enjoy a delicious morning tea provided by the Salvation Army. 


A very big thank-you to Mrs Fisher for the hours she put in making sure all the logistical components were organised for the day to run smoothly. Thank-you also to Mr David Martin for attending the Castlemaine Appeal again this year. Their support is greatly appreciated and makes the day run very smoothly.


The amount raised by Girton students again raised an incredible amount of money. The Bendigo total was $6,058.85 and in Castlemaine over $928.35. The Junior School students have been putting their loose change from lunch orders in the Red Pig money boxes, raising $657.70.  The Girton students have collected a total of $7,644.90 for the 2024 Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal.


The Junior School has also had a Pantry Drive, with our families having donated baked beans, crushed tomatoes, spaghetti, strawberry jam, and tomato soup. These items will be much appreciated by the families the Salvation Army supports.