Western Heights Weekly News
Ā Tātou Tamariki - Ō Tātou Whenua - Ka Ora te Āpōpō
Our Children - Our Land - Our Future
Issue 16 · 22 Oct 2024
In this issue
Principal's Page
Kia Ora - Greetings Friends
Help and Hope for WHS:
Imagine IT Conference:
A Few Catch-Ups:
Hola from Barcelona - from the Antunovitch Family:
Property Updates:
New Block Blessing:
Learning About Learning:
Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone:
First, What’s Your “Comfort Zone”?, 🗺️ All 6 Zones, After Comfort, 😰 1. Fear Zone, 🧑🎓 2. Learning Zone, 🙇♂️ 3. Stress Zone, 🎢 4. Growth Zone, 🌸 5. Change Zone, 🧑🏫 6. Teaching Zone, 💭 A Few Things To Remember, 🛡️ Comfort zones exist for a reason, 💡 Remember your reason, 🛣️ Everyone’s path is unique, 🪞 Try not to compare yourself to others
Teaching & Learning Page:
Web Pages:, Finding Calm Amidst Crisis, Techie Tips:, Sketchplanations:, Five ways to wellbeing -, Connect, Be active, Take notice, Keep learning, Give, What Works , Here is some simple wisdom from Kurt Vonnegut: Notice when you’re happy., Article:, The “Rule of Saint Benedict”: A medieval blueprint for modern time management:
Calendar of Events:
The AI Technology Page:
Health News and Tips:
Lighthouse Parents Have More Confident Kids
The Green Page:
A Lake Turned to a Hot ‘Soup.’ Then the River Dolphins Died.
Life Hacks:
Sahil Bloom’s Most Powerful Life Hacks - a series:, 44. If an investment or financial opportunity seems too good to be true, assume it probably is. Remember: There's no such thing as a free lunch., 45. Create an automated direct deposit for a small amount of money into an investment account every month., 46. Be frugal with yourself and generous with others.
Just A Thought:
A reminder we are doing a Calendar Fundraiser this term., Term 4 is a Hats Term:, Scholastic book orders are due Friday, 26 October. Thanks., Enrollment Form: Western Heights. Term 4, 2024, OSCAR Programme, West Wave OSCAR:, Western Heights and World Vision
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Published by Western Heights School